Trap Shooting vs Skeet Shooting: Which One is Better for You?

Posted by Pete on 3/23/2020

All shooting sports are fun, but each type has its own merits. Find out about the differences between trap shooting and skeet shooting, then try them both out to decide which one is right for you.

Five Things You Should Look for in a Commercial Clay Pigeon Thrower

Posted by Pete on 2/19/2020

Five Things You Should Look for in a Commercial Clay Pigeon Thrower

If you’re in the market for a commercial clay pigeon thrower, you have some research to do. There are many different types and brands of throwers on the market, but not all will give you or your customers the results you want. Find out what you should look for in a commercial-grade clay thrower.

What Makes a Clay Target Course Special?

Posted by Pete on 2/14/2020

What Makes a Clay Target Course Special?

Not all clay target courses are created equal. While some courses are designed to give shooters the best possible experience, others are less enjoyable. The clay target thrower, course design, and other factors make all the difference. Before you go shooting, find out what it is that makes a course special.

What Can You Do to Break More Clays at the Skeet Range?

Posted by Pete on 2/5/2020
What Can You Do to Break More Clays at the Skeet Range?

What Can You Do to Break More Clays at the Skeet Range?

Although any day at the skeet range is a good day, your day can be made better with one great shot after another. By following these tips, you can break more clays from the trap thrower. In fact, you may be able to stand out from some of the 5.09 million people in the United States who participated in clay shooting in 2018.

Clay Shooting Tips to Improve Your Skills

Posted by Pete on 1/30/2020
Clay Shooting Tips to Improve Your Skills

Clay Shooting Tips to Improve Your Skills

No one becomes a great clay shooter overnight. If you’re trying to improve your clay shooting, you need to practice. While the most obvious tip is to hone your craft with a clay target thrower, there are several tips that can help you become a better shooter in only a short time.

How the Clay Pigeon Thrower Became Popular in the U.S

Posted by Pete on 1/20/2020
How the Clay Pigeon Thrower Became Popular in the U.S
Whether you’re already passionate about clay shooting or you’re a novice to the sport, it’s important to know about the history of clay shooting in the United States. Learn what happened to make the clay pigeon thrower become as popular as it is today.

Tips for Making the Perfect Backyard Trap Shooting Range

Posted by Pete on 1/16/2020
Tips for Making the Perfect Backyard Trap Shooting Range
You don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to do some trap shooting. Rather, you can build your own range and step outside anytime you want to enjoy your favorite hobby. As long as you have enough space on your property and the right trap thrower, you won’t miss the clay target range. Follow these tips and transform your yard into the home of your dreams.
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