Trap Shooting vs Skeet Shooting: Which One is Better for You?
All shooting sports are fun, but each type has its own merits. Find out about the differences between trap shooting and skeet shooting, then try them both out to decide which one is right for you.
Skeet Shooting
There are two basic forms of skeet shooting - international skeet and American skeet. In the international version, there are seven stations on a semi-circular course, which are located between two clay pigeon throwers. An eight station is directly between the two throwers.
During every round of skeet, 25 clay targets are thrown. But they are thrown quickly, making this a game for those who enjoy a rapid pace. The third, fourth, and fifth stations shoot doubles. In between targets, you have a maximum delay of three seconds. You need to keep the gun’s butt lower than your waist before you can call for the target.
American Skeet
Although American skeet is similar to the international version, it’s done at a slower pace. Since the 1920s, the sport has been a way to practice wing shooting.
The field is the same as it is with international skeet. Singles and doubles are shot from the first, second, sixth, and seventh stations. Meanwhile, singles are shot from the third, fourth, fifth, and eight stations. You repeat the first missed target, which gives you a total of 25 targets.
Trap Shooting
As the oldest shotgun game, trap shooting has a lengthy history. It started in England, but then made its way over to the United States. The move to America changed the game slightly. For that reason, there is an American version of trap and an international one.
In the American Trap version, one trap thrower machine is placed 16 yards ahead of an arc. There are five shooting stations on each arc. When the shooter is ready, the thrower propels targets at different angles that extend up to 22 degrees. The maximum height of the target is 17 feet. If you use a regulation target, it will travel about 50 yards at a speed of just under 60 miles per hour.
You fire at five targets from every station. In the end, there are 125 target in each round. It’s an exciting game that really lets you hone your skills.
International Trap
This version of trap shooting uses a single trap of variable height and an adjustable horizontal angle. Typically, it’s referred to as automatic trap or wobble trap.
In this game, the target thrower throws targets within 45 degrees from the centerline. It’s similar to international skeet in that the speed of the targets is faster and the targets travel further than American targets. Competitors can shoot two shots at each target.
Which Sport is Right for You?
So which shooting sport is right for you? There’s no wrong answer. However, one fact is always true. The clay pigeon thrower makes all the difference. With a high-quality trap thrower, you get the most from your experience.
Atlas Traps has a large selection of high-quality traps for skeet or trap shooting. Shop our products today and start shooting.